What Are the Benefits of Metal Braces?

metal braces

Bronxville, Tuckahoe and Eastchester NY – Over the years, we have seen great strides in orthodontic technology, including high tech appliances such as Invisalign clear aligners. While several more inconspicuous options exist, metal braces are still popular for one very important reason – they work. And they work very well. “Traditional metal braces may not… Read more »

A Few Things You Need to Know About Retainers


Tuckahoe, NY – We love celebrating with our patients on the day braces are removed. But, as our patients know, this doesn’t mark the end of the orthodontic journey. “Retainers are a crucial part of your orthodontic treatment,” says Dr. Sam Polan of Tuckahoe Family Orthodontics. “Your smile will be straight when we remove your… Read more »